Monday, November 15, 2010

It's really incredible how much attention "Share One Shabbos" has received. The program that was run at Boca Raton Synagogue (BRS) this past weekend was a huge success. There were more than 200 BRS families that opened their homes and hundreds of unafiliated Jews in Boca Raton experienced a Shabbos that they won't soon forget. The emails from both the hosts and the guests have been pouring into BRS and we are already planning another program.
The Boca Raton Jewish community is an outstanding place to live and with more than 100,000 unafilitated Jews in the area there are so many opportunities to reach out. That led to the creation of the Boca Raton Jewish Experience (BJRE) which runs FREE beginner programs on Shabbos and during the week. All of the programs are being run in partnership with all of the major jewish outreach organizations and have been extremely successful. More than 350 people attended Aish's Discovery program and the following week 50 people signed up to learn to read Hebrew and more than 90 people signed up for the crash Course in Jewish History. The National Jewish Outreach Program has been a fantastic partner and I encourage more shul's to run their programs. The video's were produced did exactly what they were intended for, to sensitize our members, who are not outreach professionals, to make a Shabbos meal an unforgettable experience.
The BRS Outreach Revolution has begun!!!
check out the Boca Raton Jewish Experience at
Inspire yourself to inspire others....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

8 Instructional Videos for "S.O.S. - Share One Shabbos"

Check out the link and watch all the videos, they are both fun and informative.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Website is Finaly Here

The Boca Raton Jewish Experience (BRJE) launched a brand new website this afternoon. It's extremely exciting to let you all know that lists all of the upcoming programs and events that are taking place in the area.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

BRS Outreach Revolution

This past Shabbos, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg delivered his annual Shabbat Shuva Drasha at Boca Raton Synagogue and it was awesome. The topic of this year's Drasha was Kiruv and the importance of outreach. The entire community has been so energized by the message and everyone is looking for opportunities to help unaffiliated Jews in Boca Raton. Now that the BRS Outreach Revolution has been officially launched, I hope that you can help us promote this important program.
Shana Tova!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Shabbat Across America in Boca Raton

That's right... you are invited to an awesome Shabbat Dinner this Friday night at Boca Raton Synagogue. If its been a while since you had a traditional Shabbat experience, then this is an event that you don't want to miss! Please spread the word all over Boca and please have anyone whop might be interested call me on my cell 561-702-3864.



Monday, February 1, 2010

Everyday, brings new adventures. I don't know know if you feel the same way but I never predict anything meaningful that happens in my life. Tonight Project Inspire is going to see the Florida Panthers at the Bank Atlantic Center. We were so lucky that a good friend gave me 50 tickets for FREE to give to people that started attending our outreach program. Its going to be a great night.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Its Sunday night and I am finally putting pen to paper and attempting to craft my vision for the future of Outreach in Palm Beach County. There is so much potential not only within our community, but there are so many well established organizations that could easily make their resource available to further my outreach efforts. It would not only enhance the future of Judaism locally but could be a catalyst to spark a revolution in America and around the world. Please see this video on branding Judaism