Monday, June 6, 2011


The phone rang on Motzei Shabbat and it was one of the amazing doctors in our community. He explained that he was on-call that morning at one of the local hospitals and sadly someone had just passed away. All of the nurses started looking for a Rabbi that could assist the Jewish family during this challenging time. It wasn’t long before they realized that on Saturday morning they were not going to have much luck finding a Rabbi. They were about to give up the search and that’s when they spotted one of our doctors with a kippah and asked if he could assist the family. Because of the impact of the BRS outreach Revolution, how could he resist! So he went over to the family said a few prayers with them, consoled them and explained that a Rabbi would contact them as soon as Shabbat was over. It was that easy! 

When I spoke to the widow that evening and explained that our community was here to help her and her family, she was so touched. She couldn’t believe that the Jewish community would be there for her. During the conversation she mentioned that her family had once been orthodox and that she grew up in a traditional Jewish home, but over the years had drifted away to a point that she and her children no longer have any connection to the Jewish community. When she mentioned that she had grown up in New York and had a “very orthodox” rabbi in the family who had lived in Baltimore, I had to ask her where in Baltimore. As it turns out, it was Ner Israel, the same Yeshiva I had attended! It just goes to show that you never know who you are talking to and that their road back might be closer than anyone can imagine.

Inspire yourself to inspire others…


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