Saturday, February 5, 2011

Veshinantam Levanecha draws more than 200 children!!

Children studying Torah with their parents
Our grand prize winners with their new Nintendo Wii
Josh Broide and Big Dov calling out the raffle tickets
It's already been called the greatest Jewish youth program in the world but tonight's Veshinantam Levanecha exceeded all expectation. Tonight was the Season 11 Grand Finale and more than 200 children showed up at Boca Raton Synagogue to spend quality time learning Torah with their parents and grandparents. What an incredible sight to see!! It's really amazing to see so many families decide to go back to the shul on a Motzei Shabbat instead of going to movie, a sleepover or out to dinner. Everyone sat on the floor for an unbelievable kumsitz and at the end of the night everyone got a prize and pizza.
Special thanks to Big Dov, Alden Maman, Moshe Kaminetsky and of course Rabbi Goldberg for making the event a huge success!
Click on the following link to see a clip of the program
Coming soon Season 12!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a night! What a season! Heck! What-A-Pizza! It's amazing to see all the smiling faces and the interaction with parents. You and your staff are doing unbelievable work. Keep it up.
