Tuesday, February 1, 2011

JSU South Florida meets at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Dr. Chaim Y. Botwinick (President & CEO of CAGE), Saby Behar (Director of CAGE), Josh Broide (Director of JSU South Florida) JoAnne Papir (Chair of CAGE)

Youth Directors, Regional Directors, Rabbi's and Member's of the CAGE Board of Directors at the meeting held at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation
JSU South Florida attended a historic meeting of organizations that are involved with Jewish teenagers in Miami/Dade County. Dr. Chaim Botwinick, the President and CEO of CAGE, said that this was the first time in many years that all of the different groups got together around the same table. Saby Behar and JoAnne Papir led the meeting and everyone in attendance had the opportunity to introduce themselves and describe the organization that they work for. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and was able to share the successful programs that they have run for their teenagers. The next part of the meeting was dedicated to figuring out how this new network of teen professionals can collaborate and work together. At that point JSU South Florida had the chance to describe its program and articulate all of the ways that it can assist the other organizations. The mission of JSU is very simple to "Connect Jewish Teens" and it's program was very well received. Both Josh Broide and Daniel Mesa got to field questions during the lunch break and address specific issues of public school Jewish programming. This was the first of many meetings that will take place that will allow everyone to collaborate on future activities.

As Miami’s central communal agency of Jewish education, responsible for high quality educational leadership and service, CAJE fosters collaboration, creativity and commitment to educational excellence. It serves as an anchor for decision-making and as a baseline for strategic thinking and analysis. Together with our Jewish educational institutions, CAJE empowers the next generation with Jewish knowledge, values and passion – the key ingredients which guarantee our Jewish future.

The Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) is deeply committed to Jewish continuity and renewal through quality formal and informal Jewish education. As a central agency, profoundly dedicated to the unswerving pursuit of educational excellence, CAJE is devoted to creating, fostering and nurturing a community of Jews with deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Jewish traditions, culture, values and heritage. Through its extensive network of day schools, early childhood programs, congregational schools and adult education programs, CAJE endeavors to create an exciting and meaningful Renaissance for Jewish living and learning in the Greater Miami Jewish Community. Underscoring CAJE’s mission and vision is its commitment to educational innovation and experimentation anchored in a philosophy of excellence and model practice.

CAJE is a beneficiary agency for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

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