Friday, February 25, 2011

Taking the Shot - The only failure is not trying!

It could happen at any moment. Simone went to the doctor yesterday for her weekly checkup and they said that she is already 4 centimeters dilated. Although every Shabbat is very special, anticipating the birth of a baby makes it incredible! I never thought that I would ever have a large family. After all, I only have one sister and my wife has two sisters and here we are on verge of our fifth. Every child is unique and it’s our responsibility as parents to recognize their special virtues and talents and help them develop their distinctive voice in the world. I look forward to sharing the good news with you! Either way Friday Night Live will still take place at 6:00pm at Boca Raton Synagogue.

I would like to wish a mazel tov to Brett Loewenstern for making it to the top 24 on American Idol last night. Those of you that attended Friday Night Live three weeks ago will remember meeting Brett and after hearing him speak, we all saw how genuine and caring he really is. Next week is Shabbat Across America and I hope that you be able to join us for a traditional Friday night meal at 7:00pm following the program. On Friday night, March 4, 2011 hundreds of synagogues across the continent will take part in an historic national Jewish event to celebrate what unifies all Jews — Shabbat! Everyone is invited… singles, couples, families — all ages. “Turn an ordinary Friday night into something extraordinary!” That’s the magic of Shabbat Across America and Shabbat Across Canada. By participating in this continent wide event, you will not only have the opportunity to experience Shabbat, but you will be sharing your experience with tens of thousands of Jews across North America. To sign up or for more information please email me at No matter what your affiliation or which Shabbat Across America or Shabbat Across Canada location you choose to attend, NJOP’s annual Shabbat program will give you a “taste” of Shabbat. Explanatory services, traditional rituals, delicious meals and lively discussions are all important components of the Shabbat experience as well as the opportunity to spend the evening with like-minded people, friends and family.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the latest inspirational video called “Take the Shot” – the only failure is not trying. It’s a short video with a great message. Also if you haven’t listened to our new Jewish radio show call “Jewish Pride” please click here and help spread Jewish Pride with your friends.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the “new” members, those who signed up for new classes and those of you that encouraged others to participate. It’s been a real pleasure getting to know all of you and remember that I am always available if you need any assistance.

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